We aim to provide a high quality, efficient and accessible service for parents, carers and children. At regular intervals the staff meet to discuss and review the daily running of the setting and the possible improvements to the services we offer. We obtain parents’ and children’s views through questionnaires, feedback in Learning Diaries and through the Parent Group. However, from time to time a complaint may arise about some aspect of the setting, or an individual member of staff. Usually, it should be possible to resolve any problems informally, as soon as they occur. If it is not possible to resolve the issue informally, there is a formal complaints procedure that must be followed. Please speak to Veronique Blanc about our Complaints Procedure.
Independent advice can be sought through the Pre-School Learning Alliance (Tel: 01249 65939).
Ofsted can be contacted on Tel: 0300 123 1231 (Open 08.00 to 18.00, Monday to Friday)
Alternatively, you can email them at: enquiries@ofsted.go.uk or write to them at this address: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD.
We are members of The Pre School Learning Alliance, 54 – 56 Park Street, Bristol BS1 5JN Tel: 0117 9077073
and BAND Ltd 21 Sevier Street Bristol BS2 9LB Tel: 0117 954 2128.
Policies and procedures: a copy is available to read and is kept in the cloakroom.