We have 20 children in a session with a minimum of 4 members of staff.
We have a wonderful, bijou classroom up the rainbow stairs in the Wells Room which we use along with our downstairs cloakroom space for the first hour of the session to provide a range of free-play resources, activities and experiences including; role play, physical, malleable and messy play, construction, technology, mathematics, mark making, book corner, music, creative, exploration and investigation and small world play.
Planning and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
We follow The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework which can be found at www.foundationyears.org.uk
Our long term plan is to deliver the EYFS by covering the following areas of learning through games and play:
*communication and language.
*physical development.
*personal, social and emotional development.
* literacy.
* mathematics.
* understanding the world.
* expressive arts and design.
Ensuring that we:
* Value each child as an individual and supporting their growing independence and enjoyment of learning.
* Value the contribution of parents and other professionals in supporting children’s learning and development.
* Develop a responsive learning environment which supports children’s learning and social development.
* Provide a learning environment which supports children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goals in all areas of the curriculum.
Our Medium term plans:
We aim:
* To focus on the personal, social and emotional needs of children through the year e.g. ‘Settling in/ Sense of Belonging’ in Term 1 and ‘Moving on’ in Term 6.
* To follow the Seasons e.g. Autumn Walk, exploration of ice in Winter and frog and butterfly life cycles in Spring/Summer.
* To celebrate festivals through the year, including those our families celebrate e.g. Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year.
* To learn the languages of our families and use Makaton signing to support children’s communication and social skills.
Our short term plans:
We aim:
* To be responsive to the interests and needs of our children – weekly ‘Responsive Planning’
* To balance continuity with interest and excitement.
* To give children a sense of belonging and support their growing relationships
* To encourage children to have fun and enjoy learning.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Statutory framework and Parents Area